The Road to Perdition

ID: SM-000351035
КомпозиторStephen Lines
ИздательStephen Lines
Год создания 2019
Жанр Классика / Симфоническая
Тональность Политональная музыка
Инструменты Фортепиано, Флейта, Кларнет, Фагот, Гобой, Тромбон бас, Валторна, Тромбон, Труба, Туба, Скрипка, Альт, Виолончель, Контрабас, Малый барабан, Литавры, Тарелки, Большой барабан, Бас-кларнет
Состав исполнителейСимфонический оркестр
Тип нотПартитура
Время звучания 14'56"
Уровень сложности Выше среднего
Описание An up-to-the-minute slightly avant-garde piece for symphony orchestra composed to meet a need to produce something slightly less conventional than some of my past compositions.
This has received excellent reviews from fellow composers on 'Composers' Forum' and is strongly recommended as a concert piece.
Дата публикации 15.03.2019


Ноты включая лицензию на ограниченное число использований в течение года.
750.00 USD
PDF, 949.8 Кб (32 стр.)


Stephen Lines

Here is a selection of critiques in response to The Road to Perdition posted by members of Composers' Forum:
KP: The Road to Perdition is an excellent work. Very modern with its marked rhythm with drums and influential brass. It evoked Mahler´s symphonies at times, in particular no 5. The variation in both melody, contrasting rhythmic with cantabile lines, and orchestration, makes it all the way fresh and appealing. And it is certainly an achievement to be able to keep the attention of the listener for such a long time, as in my case.
IL: A very impressive work here, I very much enjoyed this. I am envious of your ability to produce an extended work of this quality!
DA: A most accomplished work.
GB: You have achieved the impossible. It's hard enough to get me to listen to complete works of any significant length all the way through but I listened to this one all the way through twice.

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